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Arrivals & Registration
Welcome and Introduction
Introduction and Objectives for Day 1 & 2
An introduction to the seminar sessions and speakers presenting the latest developments in smart card manufacturing.
Neil Ding, Senior Manager - China Market, APSCA

Latest Developments in Dual-Interface Card Manufacturing
Reliable and Low-Cost Solutions for The Production of Dual-Interface Financial IC Cards
With domestic markets now growing in their demand for dual-interface financial and social security cards, the competition of card manufacturers within the industry has become increasingly intense. In effect, improving productivity, reducing production costs and ensuring safety in production has become an enormous challenge which every smart card manufacturer now faces. In addressing these challenges, Mingsen will discuss solutions to automate production technology for a wide range of card products.
Kailai Wang, Founder & General Manager, Mingsen Mech. & Elec. Equipment Co., Ltd
Jason Wu, Vice General Manager, Mingsen Mech. & Elec. Equipment Co., Ltd
Building Production Capacity with Intelligent Automated Solutions
Rapid development of the China smart card market means that manufacturers now need massive production capability with very large labour forces to satisfy market demand. Unfortunately traditional approaches to increasing capacity result in low profit margins for smart card manufacturers. Since 1981, Muehlbauer has provided smart card and document production and personalisation solutions. In this presentation they discuss the latest intelligent, automated solutions that can reduce costs and maximize greater yields for smart card manufacturers.
Chao Zhang, Senior Manager, C&T Department, Muehlbauer Group
Contactless Payment, Markets and Technologies
Payment is globally one of the fastest growing segments in the contactless card industry. This presentation provides an update about the market with respect to regions and size. It also presents an overview of the current status and trends of the various technologies deployed, as well as the related manufacturing technologies.
Thomas Decker, Vice President, Segment Development, Payments, Transit & Access-Control
Smartrac Group
Dual-Interface Card Manufacturing Technology
Golden Spring shares recent updates on their on-going efforts to improve dual-interface card manufacturing technology and production rates. The presentation will also highlight the future trends of smart card manufacturing and ways in which it increasingly will meet customer requirements.
David Zhang, President and General Manager, Golden Spring Internet of Things Inc.
Smart Card Manufacturing – Today and Tomorrow
Panel Discussion:
Over the next 18 months, what are expected to be the major challenges for card manufacturers in the production of dual-interface smart card products in China and Asia?
Do card manufacturers agree with equipment and technology suppliers about the issues that need to be addressed in card manufacturing today?
In what ways do the challenges faced by card manufacturers in China differ from card manufacturers in other Asian markets? Are there any useful lessons?
Pressure from the cost and supply of labour will only increase, particularly in China, but automating production requires special skills – are these available in China and Asia?

Kailai Wang, Founder & General Manager, Mingsen Mech. & Elec. Equipment Co., Ltd
Jason Wu, Vice General Manager, Mingsen Mech. & Elec. Equipment Co., Ltd
Chao Zhang, Senior Manager, C&T Department, Muehlbauer Group
Thomas Decker, Vice President, Segment Development, Smartrac Group
David Zhang, President and General Manager, Golden Spring Internet of Things Inc.

Card Personalisation Developments
Operational Excellence with Card Personalisation
Financial card personalisation is among the more complex processes in card manufacturing. Faced with a vast number of variables including different plastic card types, printing requirements, tipping foil colors, card carrier paper stock type, delivery methods etc., production yields and process efficiency can suffer greatly. Achieving both optimized performance and operational excellence during card personalisation requires the right measure of strategy. In this presentation, Datacard will share useful guidelines on achieving operational excellence in card personalisation.
Albert Wu, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development (China), Datacard Group

Future Trends in the Payment Card Industry
The Future Direction of Bank Cards in China
As China s rapidly developing consumer payments market increasingly requires more secure, efficient and convenient payment products, China s payment card standards will need to evolve to improve financial regulation, security, reliability and quality control. In this section, China UnionPay will share their thoughts on the future development of bank cards, payment card standards and specification, and the relationship between online consumer payments and payments at the physical point-of-sale..
Zhibo Zhang, Senior Manager, Department of Technology, China UnionPay
MasterCard EMV Chip Products and Solutions
This presentation takes a peek into MasterCard’s world of EMV chip migration. It will highlight the current chip deployment status in APMEA region, the EMV chip platform and evolution for MasterCard, as well as the various innovative chip programs around the world. It will also touch on the basic requirement for card vendors to sell MasterCard branded cards to banks from around the world.
Thomas Tan, Vice President, Emerging Payment Department, MasterCard Worldwide
The Roadmap for Smart Card Products and the Impact on Card Manufacturing
Panel Discussion
What is the business outlook for the smart card market today, across all vertical segments? Is the market still growing? And how long is it expected to keep growing??
Based on the changing requirements from card issuers and cardholders today, what is the roadmap for smart card products and what types of card products are expected to be required in the future?
Card manufacturers are concerned about the threat from non-card payment and identity applications. How will the growing adoption of digital wallets impact the market for smart cards?
How can the negative effects of price wars and commoditisation of the smart card market be avoided in order to maintain a healthy and efficient supply chain that provides good service to card issuers?
Albert Wu, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development (China), Datacard Group
Zhibo Zhang, Senior Manager, Department of Technology, China UnionPay
Thomas Tan, Vice President, Emerging Payment Department, MasterCard Worldwide
End of Forum


  2014-07-05 至 2014-07-06

为期 2

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